The MaxGUI Beginner Tutorial Series - Tutorial 2: Buttons and Events 
(c) Assari Dec 22 2005

Gadgets and Events are central to MaxGUI. Unfortunately we cannot understand one without the other. What I'm trying to do here is introduce both concepts slowly. I am assuming that you have read my previous tutorial on CreateWindows and also knows some basic programming concepts.

Lets start by introducing the Button gadget, something very familiar to us (whether on XP, Mac or Linux).


Local MyWindow:TGadget=CreateWindow("Button Example", 200,200,320,240)
Local MyButton:TGadget=CreateButton("Click Me",140,60,80,40, MyWindow)



Cut and paste the above code into the MaxIDE and run the program. You should see the following (for Windows XP users):-


You can click the button but nothing very exciting happens. We will do more later.

Now lets try and see what all those lines of Blitzmax code means


In the previous tutorial I have kept thing simple and has not introduce the BlitzMax command Superstrict before. From now on this will appear in all my example. The only thing we need to know at this stage is that this command will make BlitzMax very strict on how we define variables in our program. Trust me, using this at the start of our BlitzMax code saves a lot of grief.

I will not explain the CreateWindow command anymore as its been covered in the previous tutorial. The function of interest to us is the CreateButton function.

    Local MyButton:TGadget=CreateButton("Click Me",140,60,80,40, MyWindow)

The above code creates a button and displays it in the window we have created just before this line. The central piece here is the MaxGUI function CreateButton.

If we were to look at the Blitzmax Helpfile we will see the following syntax requirements
Function CreateButton:TGadget(label$,x,y,w,h,group:TGadget,style=BUTTON_PUSH)

As you can see, the CreateButton function has almost identical parameters to the CreateWindow function.
Like CreateWindow, CreateButton also returns a Gadget object (see CreateButton:TGadget)

Introducing Events

Before we continue further with the CreateButton function, lets talk a little bit about Events

Blitzmax (and Blitzplus before this) introduces the concept of Events to the Blitz family. The Events system allows a Blitzmax program to react to an event that has happened. Examples of events:-
One of the function that Blitzmax has to handle events is called WaitEvent(). Lets look at the following piece of code from our earlier examples:-



I hope you are familiar with the Repeat Until loop. Basically, BlitzMax will repeat the WaitEvent() function call until the function EventID() returns a windowclose event (EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE)

What WaitEvent() does is it checks whether an event has occured. It is important to note that WaitEvent() waits for an event to happen before it proceeds to the next line of code

The EventID() function returns the identity number of the event which we then check against EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE. If they are the same, the program exits the repeat loop.

So basically we can say that the above code does the following
Now lets re-write the above program in a slightly different way


Local MyWindow:TGadget=CreateWindow("Button Example", 200,200,320,240)
Local MyButton:TGadget=CreateButton("Click Me",140,60,80,40, MyWindow)

  Select EventID()
   End Select

Instead of using the Repeat/Until loop, we are now using the Repeat/Forever loop which as the name suggests will loop forever.

We are also now using another programming construct call Select/Case.  In the above example we select for the value of EventID() and when the Case is EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE the program ends.

Now that we understand the above programming construct we are ready to check for other cases of EventIDs.


Local MyWindow:TGadget=CreateWindow("Button Example", 200,200,320,240)
Local MyButton:TGadget=CreateButton("Click Me",140,60,80,40, MyWindow)

  Select EventID()
    SetGadgetText(MyButton,"Button clicked")
   End Select

Notice now we have two cases to select from, EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE and EVENT_GADGETACTION.
EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE as we have seen earlier is triggered when a user clicks the close window icon. EVENT_GADGETACTION on the other hand is triggered when a user clicks our Button.

Cut and Paste the above code and run it. You can see the text on the button changing when you click it. This is done via the MaxGUI function SetGadgetText.


So lets try and summarize what we have learnt so far.

For the time being, think of events as triggers that our Blitzmax program can react to.
Most MaxGUI gadgets can be used to trigger events. Gadgets are objects within MaxGUI. Examples of gadgets are 
As an illustration, try the program below


Local MyWindow:TGadget=CreateWindow("Button Example", 200,200,320,240)
Local MyButton:TGadget=CreateButton("Click Me",140,60,80,40, MyWindow)

  Select EventID()
    SetGadgetText(MyButton,"Button clicked")
    SetGadgetText(MyWindow,"Someone clicked my button")
   End Select

Note the before clicking and after clicking picture. The title in the window also changed as a result of our 2nd SetGadgetText command which directs the text Someone clicked my button to the MyWindow Gadget. A button is a gadget, so is a window


    Local MyWindow:TGadget=CreateWindow("Button Example", 200,200,320,240)
Local MyButton:TGadget=CreateButton("Click Me",140,60,80,40, MyWindow)

Both of the gadgets that we created,  MyWindow and MyButton,are of type Gadget. This you can see from the construct of the statement

    Local GadgetName:TGadget= ....

Local indicates that we are creating a local variable, limited in scope but faster. Then we put the name of the variable and finally the construct :TGadget indicate that we want a variable of type Gadget.
To illustrate how these variable declaration work, the following 3 lines of code creates an integer, float and string variables respectively

    Local MyNumber:Int
Local A:Float = 1.234

It is not the intention of this tutorial to teach you about the concept of variables. But for MaxGUI it is important to declare the variables explicitly.

    Local MyWindow=CreateWindow("Button Example", 200,200,320,240)

The above works, but it is wrong and will trip you up later. So declare them like so

    Local MyWindow:TGadget=CreateWindow("Button Example", 200,200,320,240)

When we use Superstrict at the start of our BlitzMax code, the compiler will catch these errors.


So far our program has been checking the id of events, differentiating between EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE and EVENT_GADGETACTION. Now let see how we cope with 2 buttons.


Local MyWindow:TGadget=CreateWindow("Two Buttons Example", 200,200,320,240)
Local Button1:TGadget=CreateButton("One",140,40,80,40, MyWindow)
Local Button2:TGadget=CreateButton("Two",140,100,80,40, MyWindow)

  Select EventID()
    Select EventSource()
      Case Button1
         SetGadgetText(Button1,"One clicked")
      Case Button2
         SetGadgetText(Button2,"Two clicked")
      End Select
   End Select

As you can see from the created window below, the EventSource() function allows us to check for the gadget that generated the mouse click  allowing us to differentiate the action to be taken via another set of Select/Case construct.


Lets summarize what we have learnt in this tutorial
There are more to learn, so lets move on to the next Tutorial.

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